The Water Cycle is a book I wrote and illustrated to teach kids about the different phases of the water cycle. The book was self published using the Amazon KDP platform and is available across Amazon sites for purchase.
This project involved writing, illustrations, layout design as well as the font design and hand lettering. I used a combination of Procreate, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign to complete this project.
The illustrations were meant to be textured, playful and fun to draw children’s interest into the topic of the water cycle and STEM in general. The idea was to blur the line between typical children’s picture books and STEM books. The use of an anthropomorphized water drop was used to illustrate how a single water drop will go through different phases during the water drop and create continuity throughout the book. The use of the character was also helpful in marketing and branding strategies on social media. Worksheets and colouring pages were also made available as resources for teachers and homeschoolers to use during science units.